Legal Articles

elk herd

Wyoming Court Affirms Crow Tribe Treaty Rights

In Crow Tribe of Indians v. Repsis, the Crow Tribe of Indians sued to establish their hunting rights in the...
boulder fields near granite mountains

Understanding DUI Laws: Defense Against Drunk Driving Charges

Understanding DUI Laws DUI laws vary from state to state, but Wyoming law prohibits driving with a blood...

The Price of Justice: Wyoming’s Public Defender Crisis and the Case for Private Representation

In a compelling exploration of Wyoming’s public defender system, this article shines a light on the challenging realities...

Recent Win for Crow Tribe Thanks to NARF and Lazzari Legal

Wyo File has recently acknowledged the efforts of the Native American Rights Foundation and Lazzari Legal, LLC in...
hills outside wind river canyon thermopolis

Protecting Rights: Effective Strategies in Cases of Assault and Battery

Self-Defense: If you acted in self-defense or defense of others, you may be able to argue that your...

Legal Alert: New Wyoming Legislation Criminalizes Driving for Undocumented Immigrants

In a significant legislative move, the Wyoming Legislature has passed House Bill 116, “Driver’s Licenses – Unauthorized Alien...
dark clouds from wild iris wy

Drug Possession Charges: Exploring the Best Legal Options

Options and Alternatives: In some cases, your attorney may be able to negotiate for alternative sentencing options, such...
southern wind river range big sandy

Defending Your Rights: Strategies Against Theft and Robbery Allegations

Before diving into defense strategies, it’s crucial to understand the charges you’re up against. Theft involves unlawfully taking...