Wyoming Court Affirms Crow Tribe Treaty Rights
Lazzari Legal, LLC partnered with the Native American Rights Foundation (NARF) on a case which has been decades in the making.
In Crow Tribe of Indians v. Repsis, the Crow Tribe of Indians sued to establish their hunting rights in the Bighorn National Forest, a right that was promised to them by treaties entered into by their Tribe and the United States Government in the 1800’s.

This case was recently reopened by NARF and Lazzari Legal after the United States Supreme Court decided in Herrera v. Wyoming that this right was not extinguished by the creation of Wyoming and the Big Horn National Forest.

After a fierce legal battle, NARF and Lazzari Legal, LLC won the Crow Tribe of Indians the right to hunt in the Bighorn National Forest. If you would like to learn more, please check out the Article and Opinion below.
Article: https://narf.org/vacate_repsis/
Opinion: https://www.narf.org/nill/documents/20240329repsis-rule60-decision.pdf